To be Happy


What does it take to be Happy?
What is your take on it?
Is mine any different from yours?
Or others’? Or everyone elses’?

What is Happiness?
Is it money? Is it fame?
Is it love? Is it revenge?
Is it a memory? Is it a grail?
Is it within you? Is it without you?

Is happiness a destination?
Or is it one of the two paths which flank it?
Or is it the path leading to the destination?

Where do you find happiness?
In the brightness of the rising sun?
Or, the serenity of the reflecting moon?                     
In the chirping of colorful  birds?
Or, the rustling of green leaves?
In the stark clouded sky?
Or, the heavy pouring rain?
In your favorite movie or song?
Or, your favorite actor or singer?
In the innocent smiles?
Or, high pitched laughters?
In your loving family?
Or, your unconditional  friends?
In the exotic restaurant food?
Or, the mom-made home special?
In your endearing hobby?
Or, your burning passion?
In all those unfathomable things I let slide by?
Or, all of the above ones I heed to?
Is happiness everywhere then?
Is it what you see and don’t observe?
Is it what you hear and don’t listen?
Is it what you read and don’t comprehend?
Is it what you feel and don’t acknowledge?

Why are some people more happy?
Some much lesser?
Is it what you make?
Or, is it up to fate?
Is the key in desiring happiness?
Or, in the lock of ignoring sadness?
Is it contrariety in attitude?
Or, is it conformity in habitude?

What does it take to be Happy?
What is your take on it?
Is mine any different from yours?
Or others’? Or everyone elses’?
(originally written on 16/4/14)


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