
Showing posts from February, 2016


Feet buried in prickly sand, he sat. Waters of the sea stared back at him. They were his oldest friend, his warm comfort of familiarity. Until one day came the floods, wrecking his house to a pile of rubble, tearing apart his family. He returned of course, to meet again; Grey net held in a tight clasp. Being a fisherman was all he knew. It was all he was. Books with thick spine and emptied refills. For the longest time, her grades were how she measured herself. Today, she can’t help but laugh at herself. She looked up earnestly at the countless stars twinkling above. This new year she longed to wish her father first. ‘Martyred’ is the word they used. An eight year old might not have known what sense to make of it. And yet, as the tricolor wrapped coffin was lowered, the girl stood in front, tears rolling down soft cheeks, at attention, hands folded in a stiff salute. Cackling in merry, the baby held his finger, with two delicate hands. What mo