
Showing posts from May, 2015

Sit back, look back.

Sit back, look back. Oh my friend, Do you remember? First day you stepped into college. The nervous glances, awkward intro's, seeking comfort ,finding friends, blending in. Do you ? Do you? Don't you remember? That girl with the strange name, And that guy with the goofy laugh. That hot senior your friend couldn't take her eyes off. That lame teacher whose pj's you couldn't get over and, That adorable teacher whom you couldn't help but swoon over. Don't you? Don't you? The despicable internals, the long list of assignments, those class tests, those semester exams... them cake fights, the lectures we bunked, the inside jokes we cracked, the code names we created. All the things we did together, All the situations we faced together, All these experiences build up like a sand castle, streaked by glittering colors, adorned by sea shells. A gigantic wave from the ocean so vast... may hit the shore and return our castle to

Year One

Teenage Conundrum is one year and three days old as on today. I happened to realize that this evening. At first I was all like… “how stupid of  me to forget” and all. Once I was done doing that, the elation just over came me. I was just so sooo happy. I still am. I want to scream , shout , dance , sing and “yaaaaayyyyyy”. Am truly, madly, deeply joyed. Am ecstatic, am exhilarated, am pleased. All good feelings. It is over whelming to know it has been a year already. To think that I was holding back to start a blog! Sometimes even when you know you are good at something or there is this idea in your head that you think could work wonders if you act on it…yet you hold back. You can’t quite put your finger on why you do so. You stagger before you have even taken the first step. The first step is the longest stride. Don’t wait for the right time. Whenever, wherever you decide to start…it is the right time.   Look at me now. This blog makes me feel confident. It keeps my passion

Thinking out loud.

Just when you think you are losing it, you are getting stuck in routine or that what you are doing is not quite what you think you ought to be doing...stop and give your self a moment...of silence, of calmness and then, Try to look at the same thing that's bothering you from a new perspective...a different angle or an alternative view. And make sure that this time you look at the brighter side. Sure,right now maybe things might not be as you expected them to be.Then again, Can you really expect what is going to happen? Of course you can , but you can't be certain. And  that is the joy of it. What if you woke up tomorrow and I played out the rest of your day like a movie, would you still be interested in getting out of your bed and going out there to chase your dreams and live your life ? Of course not . Uncertainties are not bad . They are more like inevitable. They keep that element of surprise alive. It's the liveliness that gives  you the energy to wake up every day