Year One

Teenage Conundrum is one year and three days old as on today.

I happened to realize that this evening. At first I was all like… “how stupid of  me to forget” and all. Once I was done doing that, the elation just over came me. I was just so sooo happy. I still am. I want to scream , shout , dance , sing and “yaaaaayyyyyy”. Am truly, madly, deeply joyed. Am ecstatic, am exhilarated, am pleased. All good feelings.

It is over whelming to know it has been a year already. To think that I was holding back to start a blog! Sometimes even when you know you are good at something or there is this idea in your head that you think could work wonders if you act on it…yet you hold back. You can’t quite put your finger on why you do so. You stagger before you have even taken the first step. The first step is the longest stride. Don’t wait for the right time. Whenever, wherever you decide to start…it is the right time.  
Look at me now. This blog makes me feel confident. It keeps my passion alive. At the end of the day I at least know there are a few people who actually like reading what I write. Every time one of you readers get back to me with your lovely comments, it gives me a sense of satiation. It keeps me encouraged.  And, for that I am gratified. Thank you all.

I know today’s post is not like the usual ones. I just wanted to share my happiness with you all. 
So, if you are reading this…
Be happy. Be good. Be brave. Be strong. Embrace yourselves. You are beautiful for you are you and no one else.

Thank you! :)


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