Thinking out loud.

Just when you think you are losing it, you are getting stuck in routine or that what you are doing is not quite what you think you ought to be doing...stop and give your self a moment...of silence, of calmness and then,
Try to look at the same thing that's bothering you from a new perspective...a different angle or an alternative view. And make sure that this time you look at the brighter side.
Sure,right now maybe things might not be as you expected them to be.Then again, Can you really expect what is going to happen? Of course you can , but you can't be certain. And  that is the joy of it. What if you woke up tomorrow and I played out the rest of your day like a movie, would you still be interested in getting out of your bed and going out there to chase your dreams and live your life ? Of course not .
Uncertainties are not bad . They are more like inevitable. They keep that element of surprise alive. It's the liveliness that gives  you the energy to wake up every day and walk along this path, come what may . Some great guy once said ...  To travel is better than to arrive. You know why ? I think it's what you learnt along the way that truly gives your destination a meaning. The stumbles , the unnerving climbs , the downfalls , the people you meet , the moments you share , the voices you hear, the cross roads , the choices .... Everything really.

So it had been quite a while since I blogged and I really wanted to blog today . Am just thinking out loud, I didn't have a distinct idea of what I would do when I started. Am just going with the flow and I know no more than you know how this might end.
I believe that it will end well and so it will. Belief is magic. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it. Yes a HP qoute, am a Potter head  too.

Don't you ever look around... See the skies stretching far and wide covering distances you 've never known ... The wind caressing your face with tender love that drives away every morose feeling ... See your friends talk all sorts of unreasonable things and know that it's probably amongst the best times ... Look through your parents toughness and feel  their unquestioning faith in you... Don't you ever do that ? All these things are Magic. Don't be blinded. We suffer often more in expectation than in reality.
Miracles do happen. You can make it happen.

Like the sun rays filtering through the clouds after a stormy night, you can always find a way to shine.
It's never too late... so don't be afraid to
take a turn.

That's it for now . Am gonna turn in.
Until next time.

To a good life.


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