
Showing posts from 2018

Vacuum Cleaner for thoughts

Mr.Blob is this dusty spot on the lens of my specs who is situated at an angle of elevation of forty-fucking-how-did-you-get-here degrees. He gets a real kick out of playing pee-ka-boo at obstructing my vision and sometimes getting on my nerves by making me squint to see properly. With time, I got used to him. I let him stay on and he became a part of the lens. On good days, when the sun rays hit Mr.Blob in the right mood, there would be a kaleidoscopic glare that I claimed to hate but if I were being completely honest I liked it quite a bit. Today, I picked up a cloth and an optical lens cleaner and wiped my lens clean, bidding goodbye to Mr.Blob. Having put this off for so long and so often, I must say this goodbye was long overdue. During the bus rides back home in the night, from project classes in final semester I would think about it frequently, this word, this degree, this designation – Engineer. It’s hard to explain the feeling it evoked. There was sure to be a h