Teenage Conundrum

Yeah! That is quite an interesting name for a blog.So as you would have presumed and rightly i am a teenager.My name is Charishma, am seventeen.This is my first blog and i want it to be....well i am not sure, really. If one day...i come back to where it all began...i want this post to stir those hearty memories. Reminiscence...yes,that's what am talking about. :)

15/5/2014 6:15 pm...that's the date and time here in Bangalore,India.

Am just sitting here in my bedroom typing this; in the meanwhile some where a new born is taking its first breath, a parent is smiling at his/her child taking the first step, some poor soul is begging with desperation, a rich guy is enjoying his beer, an old man is edging towards the end of his days, a terrorist prepares for a kill , a soldier is guarding the borders, gazing intently at the horizon,a desolated human is thinking of ending life, someone is laughing over a long forgotten joke, someone is crying over a long lost mate...amusing how so many many thing are happening at the same time, isn't it? That is only considering humans, if you start thinking abut animals,plants,microbes etc...its totally crazy how as you are reading this at this time, on a macroscopic level of thought a zillion other things occur but it does not even affect you. What you seem to know to be the world might not even seem significant when u acknowledge this.Time is an Enigma, would you not agree?
(oh hey i left aliens out of that list!)

“Time is the longest distance between two places.” said Tennessee Williams.
“Time is an illusion.” said Albert Einstein.
“The timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness. And knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream.” said Khalil Gibran
“It's being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don't know if there is one.” said George Harrison (oh yeah! The Beatles' guitarist )

All am trying to say is we all worry about various things...but maybe right now you can take things a little easy and relax...take deep breath...smile...sure time waits for none but time like many others it is also a created thing...so,believe that you are worth it...do something you absolutely love doing...because You Only Live Once...YOLO baby!!!
( now don't tell me you believe in previous birth or life after death )

And also because that is what am doing right now.
I will also post all my previous writings...please do check them out.
Hope i get some readers.
(If you are interested listen to this song- High hopes by Kodaline. It is a beauty )
I ll end this with a thought of mine-

Life is not a RACE...its YOURS.


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