Jenny or Jeanne (Let me know)

Sitting on a chair by her desk,
Jenny didn’t know what she felt…
Was it fear, anticipation or confusion?
You could say it was nothing,
She was just numb.
Tired of thinking and rethinking
all the same old things.
All that she wanted is to be
distracted from her thoughts…
Her mind…her- self….
Self  - who is Jenny?
Had Jenny lost herself
in a world so big?
Will we never find Jenny’s self?
Or had Jenny just evolved playing
her small part in a larger scene?
Had Jenny undergone a change inevitable?
Is it good? Is it bad?
If only you knew…
Would you let her know..oh..oh!

Standing there as the scintillating
rays of light met the horizon,
Jeanne knew what she felt.
She could put it in verses
So pristine, exquisite yet naïve.
You could say it’s nothing,
She was just lively.
Never tired of seeing or re-veiwing
All the same little things
which made life purposeful.
All she wanted was to let her
thoughts flow…be in her mind…
her soul…soul...who is Jeanne?
Did Jeanne know how lovely
a person she is?
Or did Jeanne know she could
Change a lot by just playing
her small part in a larger scene?
What do u think of Jeanne?
Is she real? Is she surreal?
If only you met her…
Would you let her know…oh…oh!

Who did you just meet?
Jenny or Jeanne?
What if I told you,
They are the same,
They are one, like
Two sides of a coin.
Would you believe me?
If only you did…

Would you let me know…oh…oh!
                                                                                                  (originally written on 1/4/14)                                                     


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