One Saturday Morning!

Eyes nonchalant, look down.
Trees layered with dust loom
over vehicles running in parallels.
Heart heavy, exclaims –
“What a gloomy day!”
Body feels a wave of heat down the spine.
Eyes surprised, look above
to find the Sun shining obliquely.
Brain thoughtful, admits –
“ Life surprises you in
 the most ironic ways.”

All this while the lips stay pressed together,
whilst uttering a word or expression.
Where then do they go?
these words unsaid,
these moments forgotten,
these emotions snubbed…
For the pain it may inflict,
For the scars it may leave,
For the damage it may cause…
Where do they go?
Where are they buried?
What does that make you?
A living being who chooses
to bury things and conceals.

Aren’t we all the same that way!
Why then are we judged?
Judged by myriad of insipid,
inconsequential things like –
marks, religion,looks,cast,etc.
Quintessential human behavior, is it?
or a chosen blind eye to hypocrisy.

The mind flashes a memory.
A girl waving at kids in
a school van returning home.
Their tiny hands, shy smiles and
unrequited enthusiasm leaves her a smile
that lingers long after the van disappears.
The sun is at its height, the body feels warmer.
Heart flutters with a pulsating joy and then,
the mind looks down the memory lane.
The same girl sits with her knees drawn to her chest,
hugging herself. So deep are her feelings unfathomable.
Now numb, she can’t quite explain what is wrong.

It just feels wrong.
Feelings just are.
There is no reason.
What would she tell them?
Those who questioned her -
“What is wrong?”
They would never understand.

The heart becomes silent.

The body no longer warm.
A cloud envelopes the sun.
The brain as ever tries
 to put on a brave face.

The eyes still nonchalant
look at the hands lose strength.
The pen falls and there it ends.


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